Image Segmentation

✓ Optimize inspection accuracy with the NSI software routines for image segmentation.

✓ Improve repeatability for dimensional inspection using NSI segmented images

✓ Increase productivity by a reduced false fail rate and better yield


What is meant by image segmentation? A term that is often used in automated vision inspection (AVI), but not always understood properly.

An example:

If you have an image of an object that needs to be inspected for its outer dimensions, then preferably, you want to set the object free from the background. That way it becomes very easy to mark the edges and measure for example the diameter of the object.

With automated vision inspection, removing the background is done automatically by using a variety of routines. These routines check for contrast, transitions, shading, and other kinds of features to define what is background, and what is the object. The better this segmentation tool does its job, the more repeatable it defines that diameter over and over again.

The segmentation can also be used for efficiently finding geometrical deviations, scratches on a surface, or surface irregularities.

NSI Microscopy has used the past 30 years to optimize their segmentation routines, making the analysis more efficient. In other words, the better the image segmentation, the lower the false fail rate within your inepction process. This has a direct positive effect on your productivity and yield.

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